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Attention Adults 18-75
with Ulcerative Colitis

Explore Clinical
Research Options for
Ulcerative Colitis (UC)

And See if You Qualify to Help Advance Medical Science for Generations to Come

Moderate-to-severe UC is a lot of things. Mysterious. Incurable. Unpredictable. What it should not be is untreatable. While current standard-of-care offers some degree of hope, we are continually seeking new medicines that could help expand treatment options in the future. To do that, we need people who are willing and able to participate in clinical research. See if you qualify today.

Attention Adults 18-75 with Ulcerative Colitis

woman in pain

Explore Clinical Research Options
for Ulcerative Colitis (UC)

And See if You Qualify to Help Advance Medical
Science for Generations to Come

Moderate-to-severe UC is a lot of things. Mysterious. Incurable. Unpredictable. What it should not be is untreatable. While current standard-of-care offers some degree of hope, we are continually seeking new medicines that could help expand treatment options in the future. To do that, we need people who are willing and able to participate in clinical research. See if you qualify today.

Research studies are enrolling today!

You may qualify if:
  • You are 18-75 years of age.
  • You are diagnosed with moderate-to-severe UC.
  • You experience an inadequate response to, loss of response to, or intolerance of at least 1 conventional or advanced UC therapy.
Those who qualify may receive:
  • Compensation for travel.
  • Study-related care.
  • Study medication or placebo.

Take the next step to see if you qualify for local research studies for people with UC.

UC affects about 1 million people in the United States* and is estimated to affect about 5 million people worldwide** and incidence rates are increasing.

* Ulcerative Colitis: Practice Essentials, Background, Anatomy (
** Ulcerative colitis - The Lancet

Medical science has yet to figure out what exactly causes UC, but it is thought to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and immune factors. Treatment options seek to reduce inflammation, control symptoms, and maintain remission.
UC Intenstines
UC affects the large intestine by causing inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the colon leading to symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, and a feeling of urgency to have a bowel movement.
Symptoms come and go in intermittent flares interspersed with periods of remission. Flares vary in intensity, can occur at any time at different intervals, and last anywhere from days to weeks to months.

How does it work?

Answer some questions about your health

Tell us a little bit about yourself

Connect to available studies in your area

Answer some questions
about your health

Tell us a little bit
about yourself

Connect to available
studies in your area

Just takes a few minutes

AcurianHealth helps connect people with research studies that offer treatment under development.

Since 1998, AcurianHealth has referred 1 million study candidates to 800 studies in 70 countries.


*In a research study, the participants may receive investigational study medication or an inactive substance (placebo) depending on the study design.

Participants receive study-related care from a doctor/research team for the duration of the study. For studies that offer compensation, reasonable payments will be made for participation. The length of the study may vary.


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